What’s Hindering My Home’s Airflow in Jupiter, FL?

The airflow in your Jupiter, FL, home not only plays a role in your comfort but also impacts energy efficiency. If your home has uneven, inconsistent airflow, there are a number of potential issues that may cause the problem. Learn more about some possible causes of your home’s poor airflow.

Dirty Filters

If your home seems to have lackluster airflow, check your HVAC system’s air filter. If you haven’t cleaned or replaced your air filter in a while, it’s probably full of dust, dirt and debris. Clogged filters reduce your HVAC system’s energy efficiency and performance.

If you have recyclable air filters, you should clean them every 30-90 days or as directed on the filter’s packaging. If you use replaceable filters, you should change them every one to three months depending on a number of factors.

Ductwork Issues

If too much filth accumulates in your HVAC ductwork, your system will work harder to push air throughout your home. Everything from accumulated dust and debris to damaged ducts can hinder your home’s airflow.

Age and Stress

As your HVAC system ages, even if you’ve gone the extra mile to take care of it and supply it with regular professional-grade maintenance, it’ll lose the ability to function as well as it once did. The system’s blowers and fans may lose the ability to push treated air out into your home as swiftly and effectively as they had previously. On average, most HVAC systems will have effective service lives that last for about 15 years.

Now that you know about what can harm the airflow in your Jupiter, FL, home, you’ll be in a better position to improve things. To improve your HVAC system’s performance and your home’s comfort, call Lowen Air Conditioning today and ask for our reputable HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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