3 Reasons Your HVAC Thermostat Is in Recovery Mode

Recovery mode is usually a normal part of your programmable thermostat’s operation at your home in Jupiter, FL. However, there are certain situations that could indicate a problem. Read on to learn about three situations, problematic or not, when your programmable HVAC thermostat could be in recovery mode.

Thermostat Is Responding to Programming

Let’s say that you’ve set your smart thermostat to 70 degrees. Further, let’s say that you set it to 70 degrees at 4:30 P.M. when you return home from work. Last, as an example, you set it to 62 degrees during the day when you’re away.

If your thermostat were to turn on at 4:30 P.M., your home wouldn’t reach 70 degrees for a while. Instead, your smart thermostat will turn your HVAC system on a little bit before so that it raises the temperature from 62 degrees to 70 degrees when you walk inside. It’s usual for that to be between 30 minutes and 60 minutes before the set time, and during that time, it’ll display recovery mode.

You’ve Had a Power Surge

A power surge that goes through your HVAC system can sometimes scramble the data stored in your smart thermostat. When that happens, it’ll enter recovery mode 30-60 minutes before one of those scrambled times and show recovery mode. Reprogramming it should solve the problem, but if it doesn’t, you could need a new smart thermostat.

Thermostat Responds to Your Patterns

Smart thermostats can learn. For example, if you change the programming several times throughout the winter, your thermostat will remember those changes. By such remembering, it could enter recovery mode at different times than you expect.

We provide warranties on both labor and parts, and our NATE-certified service technicians are ready to help. When you need help with your smart thermostat or any HVAC repairs, call Lowen Air Conditioning to make an appointment.

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