My Heat Pump Makes My House in Wellington, FL, Smell

Your heat pump shouldn’t make your Wellington, FL, home smell bad. Read on to learn why your heat pump is emitting a strange smell and what to do about it.

Dirty Sock Syndrome

Dirty sock syndrome refers to a strong odor that resembles the smell of an old gym bag and sometimes comes from heat pumps. This usually happens when moisture builds up on the coils and creates a breeding ground for bacteria and biological growth. The good news is that thorough cleaning and proper airflow can often eliminate this odor.

Burning Smells

If you smell something burning, it could be dust or debris burning off the heating elements. This usually happens when you first turn on your heat pump after a long break. While this is not usually a major issue, it’s still a good idea to have a professional look at your heat pump to see if there are any underlying problems.

Musty Odors

A musty smell often indicates biological growth of some kind lurking somewhere in your system. This could be in the ductwork or even the heat pump itself.

It’s important to address this quickly, as biological growth of all kinds can cause health problems. A professional cleaning may be necessary.

Chemical or Electrical Smells

If you notice a strong chemical or electrical smell, it could signal a more serious problem, such as a refrigerant leak or an electrical fault. Turn off your heat pump immediately and call a licensed service technician to investigate. These issues can pose dangers if you leave them unaddressed.

Don’t allow these issues to turn your home into an unpleasant environment where you’d rather not spend your time. Call Lowen Air Conditioning so that we can eliminate any heat pump smell from your Wellington, FL, home to improve your indoor air quality.

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