Fall Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Wellington, FL, Home

As summer draws to a close and cooler temperatures prevail in Wellington, FL, many families are spending more hours inside their homes this fall. More bodies in the house means more dust, pollen, pet odors, and indoor air pollution. To make the air in your home more comfortable to breathe, here are some indoor air quality tips you can follow to give your family a healthy home this fall.

Thoroughly Deep Clean Your Home

When it comes to deep cleaning your home to remove built-up dust and grime, spring cleaning gets all the attention. But fall is another great time to go beyond your daily laundry, dusting, and vacuuming routines. Take a weekend or two to declutter every room, empty out cabinets and shelves, and move furniture as needed so that you can thoroughly clean those hidden areas that were neglected during the busy summer months.

Use Fan Mode to Circulate Air and Filter Contaminants

Like most homeowners, you might think of your central heating and cooling system as a way to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, and that’s about it. But remember that your HVAC system also acts as a whole-home air filtration system.

The comfortable fall temperatures in Florida don’t always require cooling or heating. But if you don’t run your central air at all, the air sits all day and gets stale while the levels of airborne dust, allergens, and pet odors accumulate. Run your system in “Fan” mode for a few hours daily to filter the air and combat allergies and odors without impacting the temperature.

Maintain and Upgrade Your HVAC System

Maintaining your HVAC system is probably one of the most important measures you can take to improve indoor air quality. But changing the filters every month and scheduling semi-annual tune-ups might not be enough to meet the needs of every family.

For some homes, especially if you have family members with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems, IAQ upgrades may be a helpful and even necessary investment. We train every member of our team to accurately determine sources of indoor air pollution and help you find the HVAC options that will best suit your family’s needs.

If your household is suffering from the effects of indoor air pollution, there’s no reason to delay a solution any longer. Contact Lowen Air Conditioning to discuss indoor air quality solutions for your home .

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